RareCactus.us Cactus plants for sale high quality cactus plants

We provide Grafted Rare cactus plants. Instructions How to graft rare cactus

All cactuses here are on sale We provide Grafted Rare cactus plants, wide amount of rootstocks Grafting cactus plants is a straightforward method of propagation which even a novice gardener can try. We have different stocks for sale grafting instructions on how to graft a cactus.

Rootstock, Stock - The lower portion of the graft. The supporting structure.
Scion - The upper portion of the graft. This is the section that will develop most of the above ground growth.
Vascular Cambium (Core) - is a lateral meristem in the vascular tissue of plants. It is a cylinder of unspecialized meristematic cells that divide to give rise to cells that further divide, differentiate and specialize to form the secondary vascular tissues. This also transports nutrients throughout the cactus and plays an important part in the fusing of grafts.
Meristematic Cells (Undifferentiated cells) - "Unassigned" cells that form into different plant organs. Mostly found in the Shoot Apical Meristem (SAR)
Shoot Apical Meristem - This is the point of growth. With cacti it is usually the very tip where all of the ribs meet and the areoles come out. This is where most of the growth is located.

Why grafting

The main reason for grafting cacti, is to get faster growth. Some species are incredibly slow (and rare) and grafting is a good way to propagate them faster. 

Because grafting increases growth so much, it may also make the cacti scion (top) grow funny or unlike a seed grown plant. Some rootstocks make the scion more "deformed" looking than others (Pereskiopsis is notorious for this). 

Grafting also enables colored and albino cacti that do not contain chlorophyll, to be kept alive. The scion in this case is totally dependent on the nutrients supplied by the rootstock.

Grafting is also used for speeding the grows of unusual cactus forms: monstrous crested forms  


Before grafting you must realize there is risk in doing this. You are, in fact, cutting your cactus in half. There is the risk of them getting infected, or making a bad join and having the scion, or worse, the scion and rootstock, die. Be sure you are willing to risk your plants, and be sure you are ready to try grafting. Stay clean and work fast and steady and things should be ok.

Common species used as stocks for Grafting Cacti

1. Myrtillocactus geometrisans
2. Trichocereus hybrid
3. Selenicereus grandiflorus
4. Hylocereus undatus
5. Harrisia jusbertii  
6. Pereskiopsis spathulata
7.Austrocylindropuntia subulata
I used all of the above. 

The stocks from Rain Forest (Selenicereus grandiflorus, Hylocereus undatus, Pereskiopsis spathulata)  could not grow long time. They could not get completely dry out. That is why you couldn graft on this stocks scions from deserts because they need not to get water during November up to March.

 Garden Centers sale non-chlorophyll cacti grafted on Hylocereus undatus stocks. This stock from Rain Forest has a very fast growing ability. When the sciens is young, it can grow also very fast. When the skin become harder, it could not more grow and get cracks. It could lead to rot. I tried to buy them and they lived only for one - two years. I grafted them on more slowly growing stocks. Now they are alive for many years.   

I tried to graft on Austrocylindropuntia subulata. 
I take for stock a big enough sproat. It has cylindrical form, that why you can use a rubber band to hold scion and stock together after grafting. Than put the grafting in dark and humid place for about 10 days and then plant it in a pot. Water and put in a shaded place for some days.

Step by step instructions on how to graft on Opuntia compressa stock. The classical methods. (recommended by www.cactus-art.biz) 

There is not only one method for grafting, but many. Here I suggest some examples, but you can adapt the techniques to your own needs, and change them according to the season, size of the stock and scionspecies etc...

 Choose a healthy young cladode (maximum 1 year old)From a single cladode it is possible to obtain two grafting stock A and B.Pick up a seedling (In the example an Astrophytum cv. superkabuto)Prepare the scion for the graft removingthe root with a sharp knife. 
 Put the scion on the top of the stock.Move the scion to expel air bubbles in the union zone.Opuntia juice is very sticky and now the scion does not fall down not even if the stock is inclinedUse a rubber band to put the two parts together. 
 Keep the graft in a shaded (or dark) warm room for about a week (or more) before potting...After 10 days the plants are ready to be planted (it does not matter if the Opuntia is a little dried up: this is normal)Let's water ... and then put the plants for some days in a shaded place before to move them among the other cactuses (end of April 2003) and.......the same plant (August 2003) 
first flowers!!! 

How to use rootstocks

Every rootstock play specific role for grafting. If you need your science fast growing, take a strong stock. Do not forget that it can change natural form for this science. You can change the speed of growing by using a smaller stock
in diameter and in tall.
 In my experience the strongest stocks are Pereskiopsis spathulata, Selenicereus grandiflorus, and Hylocereus undatus.
Opuntia and Austrocylindropuntia subulata are slowly growing stocks.
 If you use cylindrical rootstocks your science can conform a lot of sprouts. You can then graft the sprouts on different stocks and find whether stock is for your desire.
Will grafting the Vascular Cambiums of science and rootstock should consist as much as possible.

In conclusion, I want to say try, try, and try.

All stocks from Rain Forest are for sale not rooted for $1.00.

They easily conform the roots. When you get them by mail, put the stocks in a plastic bag and keep them in dark place. For example, in kitchen cabinet for a two weeks. During this time the callus will formed and you can plant them in a pot. For soil use "Palm and Cactus" soil.

Grafting cactus plants is a straightforward method of propagation which even a novice gardener can try. We have different stocks  for sale.  Reasons for grafting, instructions on how to graft a cactus.

Grafted Cactus Care: Tips For Grafting Cactus Plants.The yellow mutant Thelocactus tulensis f. yellow for sale

 instructions on how to graft a cactus. If you need instruction on how to graft a cactus, you can go below and find how to graft cactus on Opuntia, or I can email you my Article. My email address is mikglad@cox.net

What is grafting?

Grafting is the process of uniting two or more plant parts so that they grow as one. In practice this often means that a shoot or bud is grafted on a rooted stem. The bottom part of the graft is referred to as rootstock. The top of the plant is called the scion. Grafting typically consists of wounding the plants that are to be joined and then letting them heal in contact with each other. If the vascular tissue of both parts joins the graft has succeeded. The rootstock supplies the scion with water and nutrients.
Not all plants can be grafted together. Grafts are often only possible on near family members. Tobacco on tomato is possible but an apple tree on a cucumber rootstock is not possible. Since the Cactaceae family is a relatively young family, grafts between different species of cacti most often grow together. In fact I have not encountered one case of incompatibility in cacti at all.

Reasons for grafting

Gymnocalycium mihanovichii friedrichii is commonly known as 'Hibotan' or "Moon Cactus". This variant occurs when the plant lacks chlorophyll, and the body color manifests as beautiful pink, orange, yellow, or red rather than the typical green. It was discovered that these beautiful seedlings could not survive on their own since they did not have chlorophyll; therefore, they were incapable of producing the necessary chemical changes that are involved in photosynthesis and necessary for the production of the "food" that is essential for the plant to grow and thrive. It was determined that if these tiny seedlings were "grafted" (an actual physical union of the vascular systems of the two plants) onto fast growing plants, such as Hylocereus, the "base" plant could provide the necessary chlorophyll for the "upper" plant (in this case the Gymnocalycium seedling that lacked chlorophyll) to thrive.

Thelocactus tulensis yellow form

is a very rare yellow mutant of non chlorophyll plants. His bright yellow color is wishful for every cactus collector 

We have for sale only one plant of Thelocactus tulensis f. yellow.
Price $10.30

Grafting on columnar stocks

In some climates with high humidities and precipitation, the only way in which some difficult cacti can be grown is by grafting. On their own roots the cacti would die because their roots could not tolerate the moisture. When grafted to a rootstock which tolerates moisture, the plants often thrive. 
I collect rare cactus plants therefor I use this stocks.
 First you need a prepared working area, wiped down with 70% ethyl alcohol. Mother plants, rootstock and a clean sharp knife, also sterilized 70% ethyl alcohol should be ready.
The science and rootstock should be previously watered for 3-4 days before grafting.  
The first step in preparing the rootstock to receive the scion is to cut the apical tip from the stem far 1-2 inches down so that it can be used for rooting. Then cutting the upper areoles away eliminates the buds which might have eventually allowed offsets to form on the rootstock so close to the scion. Then make a second cut 2-3 mm thick not taking it off. Cut the science and put it on the place of the second cut. Now slice the scion so that the 
diameter of the vascular system of the stock will touch as much as possible to the vascular system of the prospective scion. The ridges are beveled. The lower areoles of the rootstock may form offsets eventually, but these can be easily spotted and removed as they form offsets.
Using the second cut prevent the surface of dehydration while the scion is being prepared

All stocks for sale here are about 4 inche tall.                               

   Before grafting you can cut the stock 1 inch from the top. The cut piece you can then root.

Rootstocks for sale.

Austrocylindropuntia subulata for sale 3" tall for $4.50

Myrtillocactus geometrisans for sale 3"-4" tall for $5.00

Harrisia jusbertii for sale 3"-4" for $5.00

Trichocereus hybrid for sale 3"-4" tall for $5.00

Below I put for sale the rootstocks belonging to Rain Forest region. There are Hylocereus undatus, Pereskiopsis spathulata, and Selenicereus grandiflorus. I can say there are fast growing rootstocks.

They have a privilege for the others stocks. The grafted science grows much faster. It has a sense when to propagate some of your cacti. The science on this rootstocks produces sprouts very quickly. When they grow up, you can root them or graft on regular rootstocks

Hylocereus undatus not rooted stock for sale $1.00

Pereskiopsis spathulata not rooted stock for sale $1.00

Selenicereus grandiflorus not rooted stock for sale $1.00

I graft cacti on Opuntia ellisiana using the techniques that were described above. 

I can sale Opuntia ellisiana not rooted stock for $1.00

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